Sunday, August 4, 2013

Week 3: Mid Week.

When setting a healthy life style change I have notice that it comes to mind over matter. Such as today, I was thirsty. So instead of waiting until I could get some water I drank my husband's coke. Not a good choice. I should have been patient. Sometime I know I shouldn't eat something that is unhealthy for me but do anyways because it's so good. Or I think to myself, I know I shouldn't eat this but it's just this once or I deserve it. I talk myself into things I know shouldn't do. 

“The good Lord gave you a body that can stand most anything. It’s your mind you have to convince.” This quote is very true. Weight loss is an exercise of mind over matter. You have to start losing weight in your mind, feeling beautiful in your mind, and getting healthy in your mind. From there, it gets much easier.

What do you fill your life with? What do you watch on TV, listen to on the radio, your conversations, what you read, ect? If you are constantly looking a magazines and watching TV shows with unrealistic idea of what you should look like then losing weight will be that much harder because God did not create you that way. Everyone is created in the image of God in their own unique way. For me, I will never be 120 pound wearing size 5 jeans. There is just no way. I would look very sick. I have to start filling my head with healthy ideas of the way God sees me. How do I know the image God sees me? Simply building that relationship with Him by spending time with Him. To make it more Simple just ask Him. Jesus will tell you. 

The times when I lose the most weight or feel my best is when I am most connected with Christ. If I am filling my head with worldly things then I will view myself more negative. This is ultimately losing weight or being health in an unhealthy way. There nothing wrong with wanting to become thinner to be more healthy but don't do it for anyone else but yourself. It has to be for you not to get guys attention or hopefully have more friends. I want to become thinner. Not because I don't like who I am or what I look like but because I know if I keep gaining the weight I will be more likely to have health problems. God calls us to take care of our bodies. Our bodies are his temple. He lives inside us.   

To help mentally prepare for a long term weight loss plan you should try the following:

  • Envision your future self. 
        Think about how you will look and feel when you meet your goals. This should not make you feel discourage. Simply try to think about opportunities that a healthy lifestyle will provide you in the long-term. 
  • When it come to exercise do what you enjoy.
        Focus on what you love to do. It's better to do what you enjoy than forcing yourself to complete unwanted tasks. If you hate running don't do it. If you rather ride a bike or play volleyball do it. By devoting your energy to activities that you get pleasure from you will be more likely to remain positive and committed long term. 
  • Feel Confident
        Maintaining self-confidence is one of the most important factors affecting that success of weight loss. Meaning, you should do your best to think of yourself as a healthy and active person. Remind yourself each day losing weight will make you look and feel better. 
  • Find a friend
        To help with road blocks consider asking a friend or family member to join you in your journey to a healthy life style. By sharing your weight loss goals with others you will both have valuable support and motivation. It is good to find an workout partner that is more fit/committed than you are. This will help you workout harder and longer. They will also be more likely to be a positive influence than someone who is always down on themselves. 
  • Look for different ways to measure your success
         One of the best tips for everyone to follow when trying to measure weight loss success is the most simple: avoid the scale. While you will certainly want to measure your actual weight loss, weighing yourself every day can provide deceptive results and put a damper on your positive attitude. Instead, try to focus on how you feel as you begin losing weight. After a few months following a weight loss plan, you might find yourself able to participate in a certain activity that you never thought you could or notice your clothing fitting more loosely. Use these simple triumphs as markers of success and think about new goals as you go forward.
  • Reward yourself
          When you meet one of your long term goals try to reward yourself in a healthy way. If you are able to keep rewards in mind you might gain enough motivation to work through even the toughest days. I like to reward myself with a new workout shirt, shorts, or sports bra. NEVER reward yourself with food! Bad Idea. 
All in all when trying to lose weight you should devote as much energy to creating a positive attitude/atmosphere. Don't be discourage about having to start slowly such as I am doing. I am taking one goal at a time. Over time, all your hard work will add up. All things are possible through HIM who gives you strength. 

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